lørdag den 3. februar 2007

Gud redder os/God saves us

"De skal angribe dig, men ikke overvinde dig, for jeg er med dig og redder dig, siger Herren." - Jer.1:19

Dette skriftsted er nok et af de bedste jeg kunne finde til at beskrive min tro på Gud.
Gud har ikke lovet os et let liv her på Jorden. Tværtimod bliver vi stillet mange prøvelser i vente.
Vi bliver ikke lovet, at vi vil blive mere populære eller at folk vil lytte mere til os fordi vi beslutter os for at følge Jesus.
Men vi er blevet lovet, at uanset hvilke angreb, mennesker retter mod os, så vil Gud altid redde os! Vi kan altid regne med ham. Han elsker os med en kærlighed der er så stor, så dyb at vi ikke kan fatte det.

Så hold ud i prøvelser. Vi ved hvem der vinder til sidst ;-)
Gud velsigne jer - Tina Maria

"They will fight against you; but they shall not prevail against you, for I am with you, says the Lord, to deliver you." - Jeremiah 1:19

This scripture migth be one of the best for me to describe my faith in the Lord.
God didn´t promise us an easy life on the Earth. Actually we were told that we could get into a lot of tests in our faith.
We weren´t promised that we would get more popular or that people would listen more to us because we have decided to follow Jesus.
But we have been promised that no matter which attacks people will point on us, then God will allways save us! We can allways count on him. He loves us with a love that´s so big, så deep that we can´t understand it.
So hold on to your faith in tests. We know who´s gonna win at last ;-)

God bless you - Tina Maria ;-)

1 kommentar:

Petraglyph sagde ...

Amen, Tina Maria. What an encouragement. I also love that Bible verse. Sometimes we can get so discouraged by the darkness around us. We just need to grab hold of that promise and beleive it despite appearences. God is faithful. We've got such a gorgeous future to look forward to!